Sage Intacct Core Financials
What Is Sage Intacct Core Financials?
Sage Intacct Core Financials is the main module for Intacct, the module is commonly referred to as just Sage Intacct Financials and is the central accounting software module where all other Sage Intacct modules feed financial accounting information into, enabling you to run financial reports to get valuable insights to increase profits and grow your business.
The most important ledger in the Sage Intacct accounting software is the General Ledger. The General Ledger uses the most innovative and flexible architecture so you can easily handle your entire accounting and financial management process.
Sage Intacct Financials also includes other ledgers such as the sales ledger, purchasing ledger and the cash book ledger, allowing you to manage accounts payable, receivables, cash management, sales invoicing, order management and purchasing.
The Intacct accounting software provides you with an accurate up-to date financial position at any one time, as well as analysing historical trends using powerful reporting tools.
Download the New Sage Intacct Brochure in PDF format
Sage Intacct Core Financials General Ledger Datasheet Download
Download the Sage 50 vs Sage Intacct comparison guide
Contact us on 0330 043 0140 or email us at to learn how Sage Intacct will make users lives easier by being intuitive and easy to use, yet very powerful to do what they want in their job, making your business more efficient. Schedule a call, meeting or demonstration.
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What Is Sage Intacct?
Contact us on 0330 043 0140 or email us at to discuss Sage Intacct or to organise a meeting, consultation call, demonstration or personalised quote.
Sage Intacct Product Overview – Key Features
Why Use Intacct Core Financials?
Sage Intacct Financials is the market leading Cloud accounting software solution having received many awards and recently achieved the highest product score for the Lower Midsize Enterprise Use Case in Gartner’s critical capabilities report.

Other reasons why you should use Sage Intacct Core Financials;
- Sage Intacct Financials is the best in its class
- Scalable and highly configurable financial management software
- Modern Cloud based flexible architecture
- Achieved the highest product score in the marketplace
- Designed By financial experts for accounting professionals
- Built exclusively for use in the Cloud
- The software achieved the highest customer score in the marketplace
- The accounting solution is extremely flexible
- Outstanding and powerful financial reporting
Contact us on 0330 043 0140 or email us at to discuss Sage Intacct or to organise a meeting, consultation call, demonstration or personalised quote.
Sage Intacct Customer Success Case Study – L W Cole
L W Cole specialises in supplying and installing appliances to the UK house building community across England and Wales.
The company has recently grown so rapidly, it was clear its financial management processes needed an overhaul to keep up. It chose Sage Intacct for its finance and business management system.
The business needed a cloud-based system that could communicate with its existing infrastructure and fit within budget.
Before Sage Intacct, the financial outlook had to wait until the end of the month. Now, financial insights and projections can be generated at any given moment.
““I genuinely think Sage Intacct is the best finance software I’ve ever used. The depth and power of the reporting make it a stand out system”
Mike Newton – Finance Director – L W Cole (Distributors) Limited
Sage Intacct Customer Success Case Study
What Are the Key Features and Benefits of Intacct Financials?
Sage Intaact is an advanced accounting software solution built on six powerful features:
- General Ledger
- Accounts Payable
- Accounts Receivable
- Cash Management
- Order Management
- Purchasing
Intacct General Ledger
The Sage Intacct General Ledger and financial accounting platform is unlike any other general ledger software. Unlike basic ledgers and other general ledger solutions, Sage Intacct Core Financials is a powerful and innovative general ledger solution that provides extensive visibility, scalability, and flexibility. The General Ledger is the ideal accounting foundation for smarter and flexible financial management.
General Ledger Datasheet Download
Just Some of the Many Key Features and Benefits Include:
- Streamline your chart of accounts
- Eliminate currency conversion errors
- Reduce inter-entity and reconciliation time
- Create and modify entities and hierarchies
- Continuously consolidate financials
- Review thousands of general ledger transactions
- Plus lots more…

Sage Intacct Accounts Payable
The accounts payable feature in Sage Intacct enables you to save hundreds of hours per year and save tens of thousands of pounds per annum by automating your accounting payable processes and the elimination of inefficient workflows.
With Accounts Payable you can automate workflows to manage your entire accounts payable cycle which improves your efficiency and productivity.
Sage Intaact Accounts Payable Datasheet Download
Just Some of the Many Features and Benefits Include:
- Saves time and money
- Automated workflows and processes
- Automated data entry
- Seamless integration with cash management
- Approval alerts and messages
- Automatic expense allocation
- Plus lots more….
What Is Sage Intacct Used For?
Sage Intacct Core Financials Accounts Receivable
Improve and accelerate your cash flow with Accounts Receivable software. Accounts receivable enables you to manage invoices, credit terms, and other accounting receivable tasks. Intacct Financials Accounts Receivable helps manage your receivables by automating the invoicing and collection process, helping your business to shorten the cash cycle and improve your cash flow.
Accounts Receivable Datasheet Download
Just Some of the Many Features and Benefits;
- Send out invoices fast
- Multiple payment receipt options
- Quick invoice import
- Post payment control
- Complete accounting receivable reports
- Improves cash flow and shortens the sales cycle
- Plus lots more…

Contact us on 0330 043 0140 or email us at to discuss Sage Intacct or to organise a meeting, consultation call, demonstration or personalised quote.
Sage Intacct Cash Management Software
Gain valuable insights into your cash position and improve your processes with Sage Intacct’s cash management software. The Cash Management software enables you to manage all bank accounts across all your locations, the software shows you all payments and transactions across all current accounts, savings accounts and credit cards across all locations and business entities enabling you to see your cash position in real time so you are always in control.
Sage Intacct Core Financials Cash Management Download
Just Some of the Key Features and Benefits Include:
- Automated reconciliation
- Apply and record payments
- Get an overview of your cash position across multiple locations
- Day to day cash activities in real time
- Improve your cash flow
- See all payments and transactions across all banks and credit cards
- Plus lots more…

Intacct Order Management Software
Intacct’s order software enables you to automate quote to cash easier for faster order management. Sage Intacct order management software enables you to save staff hours, reduce costs and reduces errors. Simply input a new order once and the order automatically flows to fulfillment, billing and revenue accounting. The order management software automates your order management workflows and pricing requirements.
Core Financials Order Management Datasheet
Key Features and Benefits of Intacct’s Order Management
- Automate the order management cycle
- Order management workflows
- Integrate with Salesforce order management
- Automatic order creation from quotes
- Defined prices and discounts
- Order document generation
- Plus lots more…
Contact us on 0330 043 0140 or email us at to discuss Sage Intacct or to organise a meeting, consultation call, demonstration or personalised quote.
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Sage Intacct Core Financials Purchasing
Use Sage Intacct Purchasing to create structured, predefined transaction and purchase approval workflows that increase purchasing speed, accuracy, and efficiency. At the same time, Intacct has a comprehensive suite of dashboards and reporting tools which enables you to monitor budget versus actuals, analyse costs, and gain visibility into your entire procure-to-pay cycle.
Sage Intacct Purchasing Datasheet Download
Key Features and Benefits
- See the entire purchase management process
- Strengthen purchasing controls
- Automated processes and structured workflows
- Real time access to orders, delivery and pricing
- Flexible slice and dice reporting
- Integration with other modules
- Plus lots more…
Frequently Asked Questions
Sage Intacct is accounting software based in the cloud and does various accounting tasks and financial management. Sage Intacct manages all of your accounting transactions, general ledger, accounts payable, accounts receivable, orders, purchasing and cash book, as well as accounting compliance and financial reporting.
Sage Intacct contains a wide range of features that increases user efficiency. 3 Key features in Sage Intacct Financials include an intelligent general ledger that uses AI, the ability to tag all transactions in the general ledger with customisable dimensions and categories as well as interactive KPI dashboards to help make informed business decisions.
Sage Intacct: Cloud Financial Software
What are the Benefits of Working with a Sage Intacct Partner?
Implementing a new Cloud based accounting system can be a time-consuming and difficult task. Ensuring a successful implementation outcome needs careful planning, documentation and easy access to a certified Sage Intacct Partner who have the right skillsets.
Our certified Sage consultants at AlphaLogix have successfully implemented hundreds of Sage sites across the UK and we understand the need for a well-planned and smooth implementation process so you have a much less stressful and much more successful end result.
Contact us on 0330 043 0140 or email us at to discuss Sage Intacct or to organise a meeting, consultation call, demonstration or personalised quote.
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Contact AlphaLogix to Discuss Your Sage Intacct Requirements or to Book a Meeting or Consultation Call
Our certified Sage Intacct accounting experts will help you discover how Sage Intacct can be setup to improve your financial processes within your business. We will provide you with a free initial meeting and consultation call as well as fully justified costs and pricing for your requirements.
Call us today on 0330 043 0140 to organise a meeting, demo or to speak with one of our Intacct experts, alternatively email us at
Our dedicated Sage Intacct consultant are committed to ensuring you get the most from your software investment and we offer the following services.
What Sage Intacct Professional Services Do We Provide?
- Planning
- Scoping
- Sage Intacct Consulting
- Documentation
- Sage Intacct Implementation
- Configuration
- Intacct Data Migration
- Customisation of Sage Intacct
- Integration of Sage Intacct with other business applications
- Development
- Design of Intacct Reports and Dashboards
- Installation of additional Intacct Modules and Sage Marketplace applications
- Training
- On-going Support
- Access to our Intacct technical Help Desk
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