Sage 200 Tips – List Views & Filters
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Sage 200 Tips – Exporting lists to Excel
10th May 2016Clean data? Well, just how clean is your CRM data?
You might have been using your CRM for some time and getting good results.
But Just how clean is your data?
At AlphaLogix we see many scenarios that have lead to data in a CRM being far from ideal.
How did we get our CRM data into such a state? A spring clean is in order!
One of the common problems we see is incomplete data. Often, when people are under time pressures they tend to input the minimum data in order to get the job done. This is OK in the short term but leads to issues later on. Training is another issue. New staff are often thrown in at the deep end with little or no training, which just stores up problems for the future.
On the flip side to missing data is duplicate data. These duplicate records are another bug bear. These arise so simply but take an inordinate amount of time to resolve. There are software solutions that can help in the process but there will also be cases that need a human eye to check the data records and decide how to resolve the duplicates. The best solution is to stop the “dupes” at source. This means having company data standards with sensible naming conventions, However, if you have numerous duplicated records you’ll probably want some professional advice.
AlphaLogix have built up lots of experience in resolving data issues in several CRM systems, such as: Infor CRM, Sage CRM, and ACT! CRM.
Spring is in the air – time to clean your CRM data.
Now is a good time to take a serious look at what data is in your CRM and create a plan of action.
- If you don’t have standards sort this out first!
- Clean the data you do have.
- Fill in any missing data.
- Set aside some regular time slots to keep your data clean.
If you can’t do this yourself AlphaLogix, the logical choice, are here to help.
If you are suffering with unclean CRM data that is causing your staff headaches please give us a call on 0845 259 3141. Or email info@alphalogix.co.uk to alert us to your issues…