Sage 200 Financials
What is Sage 200 Financials?
The financials module is part of the core Sage 200c accounting system, it comes as standard with both the Sage 200c Professional Platform and the Sage 200c Standard Cloud offering. It allows you to view your financial position at any one time and comprises four key accounting ledgers: Nominal, Purchasing, Sales and the Cashbook ledger.
The module allows you to run extensive profit and loss, trial balance and balance sheet reports and it also has a wide range of interactive dashboards for sales, purchasing and financial summaries so you can get accurate forecasts for your accounting department.
Download the latest Sage 200 Product Guide and Brochure PDF
Sage 50 vs Sage 200 Feature Comparison – PDF
Download the Sage 200 Financials Datasheet
Sage 200 UK Price List – Sage 200 Standard vs Professional Pricing – PDF
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What Features Does Sage 200 Financials Cover?
Financials allows for flexible accounting periods: you can manage accounting periods with flexible open and closed periods that suit your company’s requirements. You can setup up to twenty different accounting periods in Sage 200.
Superior Nominal Code Structure: The structure of the nominal ledger allows for a flexible setup that provides the basis for comprehensive analysis and reporting for your accounts department. The system can be setup to track departments and cost centres as well as detailed balance sheet and profit and loss reporting, which makes it a lot more powerful than Sage 50 Accounts.
Integrates with Payroll: Financials can integrate with the UK’s most popular payroll system, Sage 50 Payroll so you can see costs and report accordingly.
Setup Automated Direct Debits, Statements and Standing Orders: Financials helps your accounts department become more efficient by setting up automated statements, standing orders and direct debits.
Easy Bank Reconciliation: The Sage 200 Financials module allows you to easily reconcile your banking statements with your banking software, helping your accounts department eliminate the need to rekey data. You can reconcile statements with receipt and payment details, transactions and manage discrepancies.
Advanced Multi Currency Options. Manage all your foreign currency trading with ease, including exchange rate changes and their impact on business finances across all ledgers and Cash Book. Advanced multi-currency options, including exchange rate revaluation adjustments are available.
Access Accurate Up to the Minute Finances: You can gain access to all the latest financial data within the system, including advanced data drill down into VAT submissions and detailed budget tracking. You can also choose to exclude or include VAT in prices.
Easily Upload Batch Data: There are a range of time saving features such as Batch Data upload where you can enter batches of journals. You can also put transactions on hold while awaiting authorisation, before posting them to the nominal ledger.
Access Detailed Reporting: The system allows you to produce powerful reports and you have access to a range of dashboards showing important accounting KPI’s. You can produce detailed reports and sort by: industry type, region, and account manager plus many more selection criteria.
Detailed Cash Flow Management and Forecasts: You can easily manage cashflow in the system allowing you access to keep monitoring the latest information and allowing you to forecast cashflow in the future.
Powerful SQL Database: Because the core database is based on Microsoft’s SQL database, this allows you to keep unlimited supplier and customer data, enabling you to store a massive amount of data in the core database without affecting speed and performance. Keep unlimited customer and supplier contact information.
Financials works seamlessly with other modules of Sage 200, including commercials,workspaces, project accounting, bill of materials and web timesheet modules, feeding company information and financial data to assist with all elements of your Sage 200 software.
Costs and Pricing: The module is included in the Sage 200 Base Platform which is around £5650 for the On-Premise version, it is also included in the Cloud version base platform which starts at around £200 per month.
Sage 200 Extra Financials Demonstration
To book a demo for Sage 200 Financials email us at: or call us on 0330 043 0140, we cover London and the rest of the UK from our various office locations.