Sage Intacct vs Zoho
What are the Differences between Sage Intacct and Zoho?
Sage Intacct vs Zoho
Sage Intacct and Zoho are two market leading Cloud based accounting solutions and bookkeeping software that have a large user base throughout the World. Sage Intacct is targeted to SMB’s and medium sized businesses, whilst Zoho (also known as Zoho Books) is bookkeeping software for smaller businesses and the self-employed.
Both Zoho and Intacct are true Cloud based accounting solutions and were both designed from scratch to work only in the Cloud. Zoho offers basic Cloud bookkeeping and accounting features whilst Intacct is an advanced accounting solution for larger businesses who want to manage more complex accounting processes.
Contact us on 0330 043 0140 or email us at to learn how Sage Intacct will make users lives easier by being intuitive and easy to use, yet very powerful to do what they want in their job, making your business more efficient. Schedule a call, meeting or demonstration.
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What is Sage Intacct?
Intacct was acquired by the Sage Group PLC in 2017 for $850 million and the product was rebranded as Sage Intacct. The software was one of the first Cloud-based accounting solutions when it was launched by the Intacct Corporation in 1999, Sage Intacct is sold on a SaaS subscription model.
What is Sage Intacct?
What is Zoho?
Zoho Corporation, is an Indian multinational technology company that makes computer software and web-based business tools. Zoho Corporation was founded in 1996 and launched their online accounting and bookkeeping software Zoho Books in 2011.
Introduction to Zoho Books
Guides and Product Brochures
Download the New Sage Intacct Brochure in PDF format
Sage Intacct Pricing Guide – Price Comparison between Sage Intacct versions – PDF
Contact us on 0330 043 0140 or email us at to discuss the differences between Sage Intacct and Zoho or to organise a consultation call, demonstration or meeting.
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